Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Time flies..

My son is at his Year 10 High School formal tonight..

I can't believe it..

I feel like I just walked him to his first day in kindergarten..

Yes, I shed a few tears..

I'm so proud of you, my gorgeous boy..


  1. He is a gorgeous boy! Where does the time go Tara?

    Pam x

  2. You have made it to the end of another year with flying colours! Congratulations to you and your son! Is he going on to Year 11?

  3. Enjoy the time you have left with him it flies - my son is in his first year of college -I have adjusted to him being gone yet

  4. Congrats Tara on raising such a lovely young man!! My son is only 6 but I know the years will fly by so quickly and that will be me soon enough!!

    Christine xx

  5. It is a boy handsome!! Insurance that looks like you!! I want to take to wish a happy Christmas and many moments of love and care next to yours, now and forever! A hug.

  6. A handsome boy indeed!

    Deanna :D


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