Thursday, January 24, 2013

Brotherly Love..

Now I am not one who is really a big fan of tattoos.
I can see the beauty in the artwork and the talent of the artist,but they're just not for me.
My eldest son however, loves them.
He recently turned 18 and got a tattoo today that symbolises his love and protectiveness over his younger brother. (Cody)

He will always watch over him and protect him.
Even as a non tattoo lover I have to say, this did bring a lump to my throat.
I'm so happy my boys love and care for each other.
What more could a mum want?..xx

1 comment:

  1. So funny to read this post tonight. My daughter just turned 18 and has wanted a tattoo for several years. We told her she could. She got a beautiful feather with the word refuge written above it. It is gorgeous. She felt very led that this would be an open door for her to share the gospel with people she may not otherwise have a chance to talk with. Our 21 year old son also got one the same day and for the same reason. His says STAND with the T being two nails. They are gorgeous.

    I love your son's tattoo and why he got what he got.

    Times are changing, aren't they?


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